Index of Applicable Terms and Definitions
As a pioneer in position, orientation and navigation technologies, it is critical to understand the fundamentals behind the intensive algorithms and processes needed for each products respective tasks. The following glossary is a list of terms and definitions, frequently used in Inertial Labs documents and product descriptions, associated with IMU, INS, AHRS, and GNSS technology.
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This glossary index of applicable terms and definitions does not only discuss things pertaining to hardware used by Inertial Labs. Many of the terms discussed apply to fundamentals of engineering, software, methods used in the Inertial Labs Kalman filter and complex mathematics. Many of the topics discussed are not expected to be understood as common knowledge.
For questions on glossary terms discussed here and if they apply to your device, feel free to contact the Inertial Labs Technical Support team for help, we would be happy to assist you.
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Accumulated delta-range is also referred to as an “integrated Doppler” or “carrier phase” measurement which is a measure of the range between a satellite and receiver expressed in units of cycles of the carrier frequency. This measurement can be made with very high precision (of the order of millimeters), but the whole number of cycles between satellite and receiver is not measurable.
The combined error of nonlinearity, repeatability and hysteresis expressed as a percent of full scale output.
The process of locking onto a satellite’s C/A code and P code. A receiver acquires all available satellites when it is first powered up, then acquires additional satellites as they become available and continues tracking them until they become unavailable.
Is a system composed of a series of four military communication satellites planned to replace the currently in-orbit Milstar system. It will provide extremely high-frequency (EHF) range uplink / crosslink capabilities and super high-frequency (SHF) range communications.
Is ESA’s first GEO data relay communication satellite with the objective to demonstrate new communication technologies, principally for data relay and mobile services.
Is a society of the IEEE that focuses on the advancement of integrated electronic systems and large-scale integrated interoperable systems. The AESS is the only professional society dealing with total integrated electronic systems and the enabling technologies.
Air Force Command Post Terminals (AFCPTs) are designed to be rugged, reliable and to survive extreme environments, including modern conventional and nuclear warfare. They provide secure, jam resistant voice, data and teletype communications to both tactical and strategic commanders.
Is a scientific research organization operated by the United States Air Force Materiel Command dedicated to leading the discovery, development, and integration of affordable aerospace warfighting technologies, planning and executing the Air Force science and technology program, and providing warfighting capabilities to United States air, space, and cyberspace forces.
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS)
A technology used to augment GPS and GLONASS within the GNSS 1 framework that uses information from the aircraft inertial navigation systems to cross-check the integrity of the GPS signal.”
Committee that creates value for airlines and the aviation industry by developing engineering standards and technical solutions for avionics, networks, and cabin systems that foster increased efficiency and reduced life cycle costs for the aviation community.
Is the “brains” of the Boeing 777 aircraft. It uses four ARINC 629 buses to transfer information. There are 2 cabinets on each plane (left and right).
A characterization of the noise and other processes in a time series of data as a function of averaging time. It is one half the mean value of the square of the difference of adjacent time averages from a time series as a function of averaging time.
Altitude is defined as the distance between an object and the ground surface.
Altitude can be defined as the height above sea level or ground level for aerial vehicles and as the height above the seabed for subsea applications.
An ADI is an AI integrated with a Flight Director System (FDS). The ADI incorporates a computer that receives information from the navigation system, such as the AHRS, and processes this information to provide the pilot with a 3-D flight trajectory cue to maintain a desired path.
The American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) was formed as an international professional association in 1941 to represent the interests of those engaged in measuring and communicating spatial data relating to the Earth’s surface. It was founded as a non-profit organization to enhance education, technical and professional development in surveying, mapping, and related fields. It supported educational programs and publications to those interests. Members came from private practice, government, and academia.
The magnitude of the displacement of a wave from its mean value. In a pure sine wave, the amplitude is one-half the wave height.
The change of output (divided by the scale factor) of a linear accelerometer that is produced per unit of angular acceleration input about a specified axis, excluding the response that is due to linear acceleration.
The ratio of drift rate due to angular acceleration about a Gyroscope axis to the angular acceleration causing it. NOTE—In single-degree-of-freedom Gyroscopes, it is nominally equal to the effective moment of inertia of the gimbal assembly divided by the angular momentum.
An angle is made up of two rays sharing an endpoint. This shared endpoint is called the vertex. An angle is formed when a ray is rotated around the vertex or the center of rotation. The starting ray is called the initial side. The initial side is usually placed along the positive x-axis in the Cartesian plane. The ray after it is rotated is called the terminal side.
For gyroscope manufacturers this refers to the amount of error that is due to thermal mechanical noise surrounding the gyroscope that affects it’s performance over time.
A GNSS or GPS antenna is a specialized device created to receive and enhance the radio signals transmitted at specific frequencies by GNSS satellites. It then converts these signals into electronic form, which a GNSS or GPS receiver can utilize. The GNSS or GPS antenna’s output is directed to a GNSS or GPS receiver, enabling it to compute the position accurately.
Normally used to calibrate other systems. Antenna Reference Units are built with particular care taken to make them simple, robust and repeatable.
A 7-bit wide serial code describing numbers, upper and lower case characters, special and non-printing characters. Typically used for textual data.
Reduction of signal strength; a reduction in wave amplitude.
Common system used in aerospace industry to detect altitude and heading.
These are units that are automated sensor suites that are designed to serve meteorological and aviation observing needs. There are currently more than 900 ASOS sites in the United States.
A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, via a data link, data derived from on-board navigation and position-fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four-dimensional position and additional data as appropriate.
An aircraft radio navigation system which senses and indicates the direction to a L/MF nondirectional radio beacon (NDB) ground transmitter. Direction is indicated to the pilot as a magnetic bearing or as a relative bearing to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft depending on the type of indicator installed in the aircraft. In certain applications, such as military, ADF operations may be based on airborne and ground transmitters in the VHF/UHF frequency spectrum.
AUV stands for autonomous underwater vehicle. An autonomous underwater vehicle is an untethered underwater vehicle used for surveys, data collection, and other tasks.
A load applied along or parallel to and concentric with the primary axis.
The horizontal direction of a celestial point from a terrestrial point, expressed as the angular distance from 000° (reference) clockwise through 360°. The reference point is generally True North, but may be Magnetic North, or Relative (ship’s head).
The input signal frequency range from DC (zero frequency) up to the frequency where a -90 degree phase shift (between mechanical input and rate output) is observed. This phase shift is determined by filters within the device.
Base stations are on-Earth references for GNSS signal correction and overall system accuracy and reliability improvement. They receive GNSS signals and use carrier wave measurements to precisely calculate distances to observable satellites.
Base station locations are known to have a very high degree of accuracy, so they become referenceable locations.
Beamforming is a technique to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of received signals, eliminate undesirable interference sources, and focus transmitted signals to specific locations. It is central to systems with sensor arrays.
The angular distance between two terrestrial points, measured in a clockwise direction concerning North or South and some angular deflection to the East or West. For example, a point halfway between South and East from your current position will have a bearing of “South 45° East”. This means that a bearing will always have an angle less than 90°. Despite being sometimes interchanged with azimuth, note there is a difference between these two terms.
The average over a specified time of accelerometer output measured at specified operating conditions that have no correlation with input acceleration or rotation. Bias is expressed in [m/s2, g].
The average over a specified time of Gyroscope output measured at specified operating conditions that have no correlation with input rotation or acceleration. Bias is typically expressed in degrees per hour (º/h). NOTE—Control of operating conditions may address sensitivities such as temperature, magnetic fields, and mechanical and electrical interfaces, as necessary.
The amount that a sensor output will drift during operation over time and at a steady temperature. Bias instability is the most critical specification when selecting a navigation system.
A means of monitoring stability in atomic clocks and deviation from a mean value of a sensor through the use of the Allan Variance curve.
The bounds within which the Rate Bias may vary over specified periods of time, typically 100 seconds at fixed conditions, including constant temperature (short term); or as long term stability, over 1 year, excluding outputs due to self-generating noise.
The bounds within which the Rate Bias may vary as the temperature varies across the operating temperature range, included in the “Over Operating Environments” specification.
A wave that has reached maximum steepness and is breaking.
A Wheatstone bridge configuration using four active strain gauges.
The nominal value of the individual legs that make up a complete Wheatstone bridge.
BYLOS stands for beyond visual line of sight. BVLOS refers to UAV/drone operation where the vehicle cannot be physically seen by operators.
Generally, UAVs have been allowed to be used under VLOS (visual line of sight) only for safety reasons.
BVLOS is an extension of use over VLOS and relies on applicable aviation certification for the relevant region and the airworthiness and inherent safety of the vehicle itself.
The comparison of transducer voltage outputs against the outputs of a reference standard.
A wave in which the velocity of propagation is a function of the surface tension of the water. Wind waves of wavelength less than about 2.5 cm (1″) are considered capillary waves.
The steady transmitted RF signal whose amplitude, frequency, or phase may be modulated to carry information.
The number of integer carrier phase cycles between the user and the satellite at the start of tracking. (Sometimes ambiguity for short)
These are “accumulated doppler range” (ADR) measurements. They contain Measurements the instantaneous phase of the signal (modulo 1 cycle) plus some arbitrary number of integer cycles. Once the receiver is tracking the satellite, the integer number of cycles correctly accumulates the change in range seen by the receiver. When a “lock break” occurs, this accumulated value can jump an arbitrary integer number of cycles (this is called a cycle slip).
The housing or package that encloses the sensor, provides the mounting surface, and defines the reference axes.
By NMEA standard, a validity check performed on the data contained in the sentences, calculated by the talker, appended to the message, then recalculated by the listener for comparison to determine if the message was received correctly. Required for some sentences, optional for all others.
Circular error probable; the radius of a circle such that 50% of a set of events occur inside the boundary.
The United States Department of Transportation established CGSIC to exchange information about GPS with the civil user community, respond to the needs of civil GPS users, and integrate GPS into civil sector applications.
A pseudorandom string of bits that is used primarily by commercial GPS receivers to determine the range to the transmitting GPS satellite. The 1023 chip C/A code repeats every 1 ms giving a code chip length of 300 m which, is very easy to lock onto.
GPS measurements based on the pseudo random code [C/A or P(Y)] as opposed to the use of the carrier of the signal.
A post at which the commander of a unit in the field receives orders and exercises command
Of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior.
The Common Geometry Module (CGM) is a code library which provides geometry functionality used for mesh generation and other applications. This functionality includes that commonly found in solid modeling engines, like geometry creation, query and modification; CGM also includes capabilities not commonly found in solid modeling engines, like geometry decomposition tools and support for shared material interfaces.
A method established for message transfer between a talker and a listener which includes the message format and the sequence in which the messages are to be transferred. Also includes the signalling requirements such as bit rate, stop bits, parity, and bits per character.
A device used to indicate direction concerning North (heading). Various technologies are used, including magnetic field detection, MEMS and FOG.
The maximum deviation of the output data from a specified output function. Composite error is due to the composite effects of hysteresis, resolution, nonlinearity, non-repeatability, and other uncertainties in the output data. It is generally expressed as a percentage of half the output span.
These are the names of two similarly generated characteristic errors that occur when integrations of gyroscope and accelerometers do not occur fast enough. Coning is the name given for these errors seen in gyroscopes especially when moving in a sweeping motion around the gyroscopes vertical axis at a high rate that approaches the rate of integration. Similarly, sculling is the error seen in accelerometers when the carrier object experiences high rates of cyclic linear accelerations that approach the rate of integration of accelerations on the IMU. Integration methods are used by Inertial Labs’ sensor components to mitigate the build up of these errors.
In modern navigation, a group of Earth-orbiting satellites that comprise a GNSS or localized satellite navigation service.
A reciever design whivh includes four or more channels to simultaneously track four or more satellites.
The Master Control Station and the globally dispersed Reference Stations used to manage the GPS satellites, determine their precise orbital parameters, and synchronize their clocks.
In a navigational sense, a position on the Earth’s surface is defined by longitude (horizontal distance from the Greenwich prime meridian) and latitude (vertical distance from the equator) values.
The acceleration of a particle in a coordinate frame rotating in inertial space, arising from its velocity with respect to that frame.
A Gyroscope based on the coupling of a structural, driven, vibrating mode into at least one other structural mode (pickoff) via Coriolis acceleration. NOTE—CVGs may be designed to operate in open-loop, force-rebalance (i.e., closed-loop), and/or whole-angle modes.
The horizontal direction in which a vessel is to be steered or is being steered; the direction of travel through the air or water. Expressed as angular distance from reference North (either true, magnetic, compass, or grid), usually 000° (north), clockwise through 360°. Strictly, the term applies to direction through the air or water, not the direction intended to be made good over the ground. Differs from heading.
The single resultant direction from a given point of departure to a subsequent position; the direction of the net movement from one point to the other. This often varies from the track caused by inaccuracies in steering, currents, cross-winds, etc. This term is often considered to be synonymous with Track Made Good, however, Course Made Good is the more correct term.
The actual path of a vessel with respect to the Earth (a misnomer in that courses are directions steered or intended to be steered through the water with respect to a reference meridian); this will not be a straight line if the vessel’s heading yaws back and forth across the course.
The acceleration applied in a plane normal to an accelerometer input reference axis.
The distance from the vessel’s present position to the closest point on a great Circle line connecting the current waypoint coordinates. If a track offset has been specified in the GPSCard SETNAV command, the cross track error will be relative to the offset track great circle line.
The proportionality constant that relates a variation of accelerometer output to cross acceleration. This sensitivity varies with the direction of cross acceleration and is primarily due to misalignment.
The errors in the Gyroscope output resulting from Gyroscope sensitivity to inputs about axes normal to an input reference axis.
When the carrier phase measurement jumps by an arbitrary number of integer cycles. It is generally caused by a break in the signal tracking due to shading or some similar occurrence.
The reduction of response at the resonant frequency through the use of a damping media, such as oil. This is usually specified as the ratio of critical damping.
A continuous block of wave samples. Due to processing constraints, the number of wave samples in a block must be a power of two.
Refers to the time it takes for information to be exchanged between electronic devices.
The process of determining a vessel’s approximate position by applying from its last known position a vector or a series of consecutive vectors representing the run that has since been made, using only the courses being steered, and the distance run as determined by log, receiver rpm, or calculations from speed measurements.
The volume inside the pressure port of a transducer at room temperature and barometric pressure.
United States Agency under the Department of Defense that was created in February 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik 1 in 1957. By collaborating with academic, industry, and government partners, DARPA formulates and executes research and development projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science, often beyond immediate U.S. military requirements.
The change in length along the primary axis or distance a diaphragm moves at the center between no-load and rated load conditions.
An allowable mode of angular motion of the spin axis with respect to the case. The number of degrees-of-freedom is the number of orthogonal axes about which the spin axis is free to rotate.
The ratio of the mass of any substance to the volume it occupies. Typical ocean water has densities in the approximate range of 1.020-1.028 g/cm3.
The immediate geographic point of interest to which a vessel is navigating. It may be the next waypoint along a route of waypoints or the final destination of a voyage.
The sensing membrane that is deformed when pressure is applied.
A correction method used for real-time corrections in precise three-dimensional coordinates of a differential GPS reference station.
A wave process in which energy is transmitted along wave crests. When a wave train passes a barrier, diffraction causes energy to propogate into sheltered regions behind the barrier.
A numerical value expressing the confidence factor of the position solution based on current satellite geometry. The lower the value, the greater the confidence in the solution. DOP can be expressed in the following forms. GDOP – uncertainty of all parameters (latitude, longitude, height, clock offset); PDOP – uncertainty of 3D parameters (latitude, longitude, height); HTDOP – uncertainty of 2D and time parameters (latitude, longitude, time); HDOP – uncertainty of 2D parameters (latitude, longitude); VDOP – uncertainty of height parameter; TDOP – uncertainty of clock offset parameter.
A reciever manufactured by DATAWELL to receive digital data from a DATAWELL WAVEC Buoy and translate into RS232 digital data out.
Is a measure of directional spreading based on the first order Fourier coefficients and calculated for the significant frequency:
\sigma = \sqrt{a_1^2 + b_1^2}
The deliberate introduction of digital noise. This is the process the DoD used to add inaccuracy to GPS signals to induce Selective Availability.
A receiver manufactured by DATAWELL to receive analogue tone shifting data from a DATAWELL WAVERIDER, and supply a digital output. Ie. DIgital WAverider Reciever
The change in frequency of sound, light or other wave caused by movement of its source relative to the observer.
A signal processing strategy, which uses a measured Doppler shift to help a receiver smoothly track the GPS signal, to allow more precise velocity and position measurement.
Through the use of an accoustic sensor, a Dopler Velocity Log, typically used with a Kalman Filter, is used to calculate position. Most commonly used where location is needed relative to the sea floor.
A mathematical technique comparing observations by differencing between receiver channels and then between the reference and rover receivers.
Carrier phase ambiguities which are differenced between receiver channels and between the reference and rover receivers. They are estimated when a double-difference mechanism is used for carrier phase positioning. (Sometimes double-difference ambiguity or ambiguity, for short)
The component of Gyroscope output that is functionally independent of input rotation. It is expressed as an angular rate.
A drone is an airborne robot capable of remote or autonomous flight through embedded systems that rely on software-controlled flight plans. These systems operate alongside onboard sensors and a global positioning system (GPS). Historically, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were predominantly linked to military applications.
DVL stands for Doppler Velocity Log. A DVL uses echo sounding to determine the velocity of an underwater vehicle, its distance from the seabed and other objects, and other environmental characteristics, such as current speed and direction. DVL is often used as an aid in navigating submarines, AUVs, and ROVs.
Pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic; a state of motion, linear or rotational.
This is a coordinate-ordinate system which has the X-coordinate in the earth’s equatorial plane pointing to the Greenwich prime meridian, the Z-axis pointing to the north pole, and the Y-axis in the equatorial plane 90° from the X-axis with an orientation which forms a right-handed XYZ system.
A dimensionless parameter for an astronomical object that determines the amount by which its orbit around another body deviates from a perfect circle. A value of 0 is a circular orbit, values between 0 and 1 form an elliptic orbit, 1 is a parabolic escape orbit, and greater than 1 is a hyperbola. The term derives its name from the parameters of conic sections, as every Kepler orbit is a conic section. It is normally used for the isolated two-body problem, but extensions exist for objects following a Klemperer rosette orbit through the galaxy.
The angle from the horizon to the observed position of a satellite.
A parameter which is modifiable in most GPS receivers, regardless of price. With this setting you can tweak to adjust your elevation “mask angle.” This setting is important because you can use it to tell your GPS receiver to ignore satellites below a certain angle.
A smooth mathematical surface which represents the earth’s shape and very closely approximates the geoid. It is used as a reference surface for geodetic surveys, refer to the MATCHEDPOS log in user manual Volume 2, Command and Log Reference.
Height above a defined ellipsoid approximating the surface of the earth.
EMC stands for electromagnetic compatibility. It tests whether a device is compatible with its electromagnetic environment and also determines whether the device produces electromagnetic interference (EMI) in real-world situations.
EMI stands for electromagnetic interference. It is unwanted noise or interference in an electrical path or circuit caused by a device or environmental factors.
The component of systematic drift rate that includes acceleration-sensitive, acceleration-squared-sensitive, and acceleration-insensitive drift rates.
A set of satellite orbit parameters that are used by a GPS receiver to calculate precise GPS satellite positions and velocities. The ephemeris is used in the determination of the navigation solution and is updated periodically by the satellite to maintain the accuracy of GPS receivers.
Is a table that provides information on the positions of celestial objects such as stars and planets on given dates in the past or future. It can also show the positions of man-made satellites.
The data downlinked by a GPS satellite describing its own orbital position with respect to time.
Parameters that gives the trajectory of naturally occurring astronomical objects as well as artificial satellites in the sky. These parameters may include: angular velocity, angular acceleration, mass, relative position, and geometric angles.
Strictly a specific point in time. Typically when an observation is made.
The voltage or current applied to the input terminals of the transducer.
The accuracy of the measurement of a parameter when calibrated at the factory, usually at a specified reference temperature (typically +22°C).
The maximum value, or tolerance of value, of a factory adjusted parameter, usually at a specified temperature (typically +22°C).
A secure, airborne communications network that allows the president of the United States to communicate with senior military leaders.
A single channel receiver that rapidly samples the pseudoranges of a number of GPS satellites. “Fast” usually means that the switching time is sufficiently fast (typically 2 to 5 milliseconds) to recover the data message.
An enhanced version of Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) employed in some receivers is known as fault detection and exclusion (FDE). It uses a minimum of six satellites to not only detect a possible faulty satellite, but to exclude it from the navigation solution so the navigation function can continue without interruption.
Is a sub-field of control engineering which concerns itself with monitoring a system, identifying when a fault has occurred, and pinpointing the type of fault and its location.
The Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee helps coordinate the planning and execution of geodetic surveys, developing standards and specifications for these surveys, and exchanging geodetic survey data and technical information among Federal agencies.
The Federal Highway Administration is a division of the United States Department of Transportation that specializes in highway transportation. The agency’s major activities are grouped into two programs, the Federal-aid Highway Program and the Federal Lands Highway Program. Its role had previously been performed by the Office of Road Inquiry, Office of Public Roads and the Bureau of Public Roads.
The Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP) is the official source of radionavigation policy and planning for the federal government. It covers both terrestrial and space-based, common-use, federally operated radionavigation systems, including GPS and GPS augmentations.
The Federal Railroad Administration is an agency in the United States Department of Transportation. The agency was created by the Department of Transportation Act of 1966. The purpose of FRA is to promulgate and enforce rail safety regulations, administer railroad assistance programs, conduct research and development in support of improved railroad safety and national rail transportation policy, provide for the rehabilitation of Northeast Corridor rail passenger service, and consolidate government support of rail transportation activities.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys and ferries. FTA also oversees safety measures and helps develop next-generation technology research.Transit services supported by FTA span many groups and provide wide-ranging benefits.
By using fiber optic technology, these gyroscopes can measure rotational movement of a body.
A character or string of characters immediately preceded by a field delimiter.
An indication of the navigational quality of a military receiver, represented by a digit between 0 and 9.
Carrier phase ambiguity estimates which are set to a given number and held constant. Usually they are set to integers or values derived from linear combinations of integers.
Carrier phase ambiguities which are set to values which are members of a predetermined set of discrete possibilities, and then held constant.
A field in which the number of characters is fixed. For data fields, such fields are shown in the sentence definitions with no decimal point. Other fields which fall into this category are the address field and the checksum field (if present).
Carrier phase ambiguities which are set to integer values and then held constant.
Antenna patterns are created by interference between radiation sources. The effect of this interference is described through pattern multiplication, where multiple radiation source fields add or subtract. Ground effects can be described by splitting power and applying the split to a second (or even more) imaginary antenna.
Programmable read-only memory.
The nation’s mix of strategic deterrent weapons known as the TRIAD has a purpose unique in the history of warfare: to prevent nuclear war. The Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) weapon system is the Navy’s major contribution to this mix. The system consists of time-proven, operational, nuclear-powered submarines, each capable of carrying nuclear tipped ballistic missiles. Hidden, mobile, and ready, this formidable undersea deterrent force ranges the oceans of the world, assuring a potential enemy that a nuclear attack on the United States will be answered by a devastating nuclear blow.
A Flexible Modem Interface (FMI) enables secure communication across multiple operator networks, in multiple frequency bands, utilizing diverse waveforms and modems. This flexibility will allow a government end-user to rapidly roam among a range of satellite service providers and/or constellations, enabling more resilient SATCOM.
Ambiguity estimates which are not held to a constant value, but are allowed to gradually converge to the correct solution.
Sensing element is located on the very tip of the transducer (NO pressure port).
A sensor capable of measuring the orientation and intensity of magnetic flux lines. Although traditionally used in geological prospecting, underwater navigation and land navigation, fluxgate magnetometers are also used in robotic space probes while analyzing magnetic fields of planets, including Earth.
a_1(f_i) = \frac{Q_{nv_f}}{\sqrt {(C_{nn_f} + C_{ww_f})C_{vv_f}}}
a_2(f_i) = \frac{C_{nn_f}-C_{ww_f}}{C_{nn_f}+C_{ww_f}}
b_1(f_i) = \frac{-Q_{wv_f}}{\sqrt {(C_{nn_f} + C_{ww_f})C_{vv_f}}}
b_2(f_i) = \frac{-C_{nw_f}}{C_{nn_f}+C_{ww_f}}
Is an error correction technique to detect and correct a limited number of errors in transmitted data without the need for retransmission. In this method, the sender sends a redundant error-correcting code along with the data frame. The receiver performs necessary checks based upon the additional redundant bits.
Stands for field programmable gate array. FPGA is a means of more efficiently processing large amounts of data over a single CPU-based model by spreading the compute load over what is effectively a very large number of task-delineated logic cells.
A particular range of frequencies in a region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The range of frequencies over which the transducer voltage output will follow the sinusoidally varying mechanical input within specified limits.
Frequency-shift keying (FSK) is a frequency modulation scheme in which digital information is transmitted through discrete frequency changes of a carrier signal. The technology is used for communication systems such as amateur radio, caller ID and emergency broadcasts. The simplest FSK is binary FSK (BFSK). BFSK uses a pair of discrete frequencies to transmit binary (0s and 1s).
A range of frequencies associated with a signal. Also, the distribution of signal amplitudes as a function of frequency of the constituent signal.
A frequency-lock, or frequency-locked loop (FLL), is an electronic control system that generates a signal that is locked to the frequency of an input or “reference” signal.
The nominal voltage output for the specified full range input. The actual voltage output will be a complex compilation of several parameters including scale factor, bias, linearity and temperature characteristics.
[See Rated Capacity.]
The algebraic difference between the minimum output (normally zero) and the rated capacity.
The maximum magnitude of the two input limits.
The change in rate bias due to g input from any direction.
GPS aided Geo Augmented Navigation.
The pressure above (or below) atmospheric. It represents positive difference between measured pressure and existing atmospheric pressure. It can be converted to absolute by adding actual atmospheric pressure value.
A transducer that measures pressure relative to the atmospheric pressure.
Also known as geodetics or geodetics engineering — a branch of applied mathematics and earth sciences, is the scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth, including its gravitational field, in a three-dimensional time-varying space. Geodesists also study geodynamical phenomena such as crustal motion, tides, and polar motion.
The reference ellipsoid surface that defines the coordinate system.
A land survey with corrections made to account for the curvature of the earth’s surface.
The shape of the earth if it were considered as a sea level surface extended continuously through the continents. The geoid is an equipotential surface coincident with mean sea level to which at every point the plumb line (direction in which gravity acts) is perpendicular. The geoid, affected by local gravity disturbances, has an irregular shape.
The hypothetical shape of the earth, coinciding with mean sea level and its imagined extension under (or over) land areas.
A satellite orbit along the equator that results in a constant fixed position over a particular reference point on the earth’s surface. (GPS satellites are not geostationary.)
Full name is NAVSTAR Global Positioning System. A space-based radio Positioning system which provides suitably equipped users with accurate position, velocity and time data. GPS provides this data free of direct user charge worldwide, continuously, and under all weather conditions. The GPS constellation consists of 24 orbiting satellites, four equally spaced around each of six different orbital planes. The system is being developed by the Department of Defence under U.S. Air Force management.
Stands for global navigation satellite system. A GNSS consists of a constellation of satellites orbiting the Earth in specific trajectories. The satellites provide orbit information and accurate timing to radio receivers designed to receive and decode the signal message contents. With the contents of the messages from at least four “visible” satellites, the position on or near most of the Earth’s surface can be calculated using a mathematical process known as trilateration.
Is a APRS GPS movile RMC sentence.
It refers to Assisted GPS (A-GPS), a system that enhances the performance of standard GPS by using an internet connection. It provides faster and more accurate location tracking, especially in areas where satellite signals have difficulty penetrating.
The shortest distance between any two points along the surface of a sphere or ellipsoid, and therefore the shortest navigation distance between any two points on the Earth. Also called Geodesic Line.
A point on the ground at which coordinates have been assigned that are of an agreed upon confidence level.
An earth station in the fixed satellite service, or, in some cases, in the aeronautical mobile-satellite service, located at a specified fixed point on land to provide a feeder link for the aeronautical mobile-satellite service (ICAO).
A Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) augments the existing Global Positioning System (GPS) utilized in U.S. airspace by providing corrections to aircraft in the vicinity of an airport in order to improve the accuracy of, and provide integrity for, these aircrafts’ GPS navigational position.
A gyrocompass is a type of non-magnetic compass that has been traditionally based on a fast-spinning disc and the rotation of the Earth to find geographical North. Various technologies are used, including Coriolis effect, FOG and RLG.
Using a (non-magnetic) gyroscopic compass to determine the heading North.
The Anschütz gyrocompass enabled changes in the direction (heading) of the vessel to be observed without using a magnetic compass. Gyrocompassing, as it became known, can be attained in several ways; for example, surrounding the gimbal with a degree-graduated ring enables rotation of the gimbal to point to a new direction (much like a magnetic compass needle). Another means is to trap the gimbal and measure the torque generated by the gyroscope when its direction changes to calculate the rotational movement.
An inertial sensor that measures angular rotation with respect to inertial space about its input axis(es). NOTE 1—The sensing of such motion could utilize the angular momentum of a spinning rotor, the Coriolis effect on a vibrating mass, or the Sagnac effect on counter-propagating light beams in a ring laser or an optical fiber coil.
The Handover Word is a GPS (Global Positioning System) variable used to enable a GPS receiver to switch from the course acquisition code to the precision code.
Predetermined hardware or software activity designed to establish or maintain two machines or programs in synchronization. Handshaking concerns the exchange of messages or packets of data between two systems with limited buffers. Hardware handshaking uses voltage levels or pulses in wires to carry the handshaking signals. Software handshaking uses data units (e.g. ASCII characters) carried by some underlying communication medium.
It stands for high-altitude platform station or high-altitude pseudo-satellite. According to Article 1.66A of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations (RR), HAPS is a station on an object at an altitude of 20 to 50km and at a specified, nominal, fixed point relation to the Earth. Each station is classified by the service that operates permanently or temporarily.
A quantity whose frequency is an integral multiple of the frequency of a periodic quantity to which it is related.
The direction in which a vessel points or heads at any instant, expressed in degrees 000° clockwise through 360° and may be referenced to True North, Magnetic North, or Grid North. The heading of a vessel is also called the ship’s head. Heading is a constantly changing value as the vessel oscillates or yaws across the course due to the effects of the air or sea, cross currents, and steering errors.
The maximum difference between output readings for the same measured point, one point obtained while increasing from zero and the other while decreasing from full scale. The points are taken on the same continuous cycle. The deviation is expressed as a percent of full scale.
The maximum separation due to hysteresis between upscale-going and down-scale-going indications of the measured variable (during a full-range traverse, unless otherwise specified) after transients have decayed. It is generally expressed as an equivalent input.
The IMO stands for the International Maritime Organization. It is the specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships. The IMO provides regulations that must be complied with for shipping.
Stands for inertial navigation system. An INS is a navigation device that uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers) and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate by dead-reckoning the position, the orientation, and the velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references such as GNSS.
Is the state achieved when a capability is available in its minimum usefully deployable form. The term is often used in government or military procurement.
Refers either to the self-referencing gyro-stabilised platform on which the accelerometers are mounted or refers to the aircraft or the neutral aircraft position (pitch, roll, and yaw axes) to which a strap-down inertial navigation system is firmly attached.
A position, attitude, or motion sensor whose references are completely internal, except possibly for initialization.
The angular displacement of the case about an input axis.
The axis(es) along or about which a linear or angular acceleration input causes a maximum output.
The axis(es) about which a rotation of the case causes a maximum output.
The resistance measured across the excitation terminals of a transducer at room temperature, with no load applied, and with the output terminals open circuited.
The extreme values of the input, generally plus or minus, within which performance is of the specified accuracy.
The region between the input limits within which a quantity is measured, expressed by stating the lower- and upper-range value. For example, a linear displacement input range of ±1.7g to ±12g.
The angular displacement per unit time of the case about an input axis. For example, an angular displacement input range of ±150°/sec to ±300°/sec.
The direction of an axis (nominally parallel to an input axis) as defined by the case mounting surfaces, or external case markings, or both.
The angle between an input axis and its associated input reference axis when the device is at a null condition.
The DC resistance expressed in ohms measured between any electrical connector pin or lead wire and the transducer body or case. Normally measured at 50 VDC.
Carrier phase ambiguity estimates which are only allowed to take on integer values.
The process of splitting a waveform (typically light), then recombining the waveforms after they have traveled a path to detect and measure any change in phase between the two – the recombing process is the “interference.” A simple example of waveform interference can be observed when ocean waves from different directions “interfere” with one another. This may result in a more significant wave if the peaks of the waves combine or a diminished wave if the peaks of one wave meet the troughs of the other. Optical gyroscopes use waveform interferometry to measure rotation due to the Sagnac effect.
Is a non-profit organization founded in 1957 to collect and provide nautical expertise and advice. Lateral marks indicate the edges of a channel. Cardinal marks indicate the direction of safe water at a dangerous spot.
Is a scientific organization in the field of geodesy. It promotes scientific cooperation and research in geodesy on a global scale and contributes to it through its various research bodies. It is an active association of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
Is a UN specialized agency, established by States in 1944 to manage the administration and governance of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention). ICAO works with the Convention’s 193 Member States and industry groups to reach consensus on international civil aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and policies in support of a safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible civil aviation sector.
A linear combination of L1 and L2 carrier phase measurements which provides an estimate of the carrier phase observation on one frequency with the effects of the ionosphere removed. It provides a different ambiguity value (non-integer) than a simple measurement on that frequency.
GNSS signal propagation delay – Earth’s upper atmosphere is loaded with electrons caused by ionizing solar radiation that can “bend” and reflect radio waves.
Was established during a joint research project, the “JOint North Sea WAve Project”, and is presented in literature by K.Hasselmann & al., in “Measurements of Wind-Wave Growth and Swell Decay during the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP)” Deutsche
Is an advanced algorithm that uses input data in combination with error observed over time to continuously form estimates of unknown variables to be used to correct the current state of a measurement.
The user’s GPS antenna is moving. In GPS, this term is typically used with precise carrier phase positioning, and the term dynamic is used with pseudorange positioning.
A unit of speed equal to 1 nautical mile per hour, approximately 51 centimetres per second.
The range of radio frequencies that includes the GPS carrier frequencies L1 and L2 and the TerraStar satellite broadcast signal.
The 1575.42 MHz GPS carrier frequency which contains the course acquisition (C/A) code, as well as encrypted P-code, and navigation messages used by commercial GPS receivers.
The 1227.60 MHz. secondary GPS carrier frequency, containing only encrypted P-code, used primarily to calculate signal delays caused by the ionosphere.
Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench: an visual interface used to monitor data.
A particular discrete ambiguity value on one carrier phase range measurement or double difference carrier phase observation. The type of measurement is not specified (L1, L2, L1-L2, iono-free).
The direction toward which the wind and waves are going.
The maximum pressure in the pressure vessel or pipe for differential pressure measurement.
An inertial sensor that measures the component of translational acceleration minus the component of gravitational acceleration along its input axis(es).
The maximum deviation of the calibration curve from a straight line between zero and full scale, expressed as a percent of full scale output and measured on increasing measured only.
Defines the upper and lower limit within which the output signal may vary or deviate from the Best-Fit-Straight-Line (BFSL) drawn through the data, expressed as a per cent (%) of the angular rate full range.
The deviation of the output from a least-squares linear fit of the input-output data. It is generally expressed as a percentage of full scale, or percent of output, or both.
The weight, torque or force applied to the transducer.
A load button has a spherical-like shape on the top surface of a load cell where the load force is applied.
An observation set, as described below, taken by the receiver on which the software is operating as opposed to an observation taken at another receiver (the reference station) and transmitted through a radio link.
A coordinate system based on a plane tangent to the ellipsoid’s surface at the user’s location. The three coordinates are east, north and up. Latitude, longitude and height positions operate in this coordinate system.
Gives the normalized spreading function, calculated for the frequency corresponding to the peak in the Wave energy spectrum:
\tau = \sqrt{ \frac {1 – \sqrt{a_1^2 + b_1^2}} {1 + \sqrt{a_1^2 + b_1^2}} } = \sqrt{ \frac{1-\sigma}{1+\sigma} }
A position solution which is based on a prediction. A model (based on previous reference station observations) is used to estimate what the observations will be at a given time epoch. These estimated reference station observations are combined with actual measurements taken at the remote station to provide a position solution.
It stands for linear quadratic estimation. See also Kalman filtering.
Bearing relative to magnetic north; compass bearing corrected for deviation.
Heading relative to magnetic north.
The angle between the magnetic and geographic meridians at any place, expressed in degrees and minutes east or west to indicate the direction of magnetic north from true north.
Production of an electromotive force (i.e., voltage) across an electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field.
The dependence of the electrical resistance of a body on an external magnetic field.
The minimum GPS satellite elevation angle permitted by a particular receiver design. Satellites below this angle will not be used in position solution.
Observations from both the reference station and the local receiver which have been matched by time epoch, contain the same satellites, and are corrected for any known offsets.
Is the maximum value of the Wave Height during device runtime.
Is the spreading function based on the first and second order Fourier coefficients and calculated for the significant frequency:
\theta_k = atan(\frac{0.5 \cdot b_1^2(1+a_2) – a_1 b_1 b_2 + 0.5 \cdot a_1^2(1-a_2)}{a_1^2 + b_1^2})
Is calculated as mean wave direction for each frequency bin in the spectrum based on the first order Fourier Coefficients:
\theta_1(f) = atan(\frac{b_i(f_i)}{a_i(f_i)})
The physical quantity, property or condition that is measured (e.g., pressure, load, weight, acceleration).
The square of the standard deviation of a measurement quantity. The standard deviation is representative of the error typically expected in a measured value of that quantity.
The point in time at which a GPSCard takes a measurement.
The maximum linear or angular displacement of the accelerometer’s proof mass, relative to its case.
The technique of using a mathematical model of Scale Factor and/or Rate Bias vs. temperature to correct the output data and minimize such temperature-induced errors. Such a model may make use of power-series equations, multiple-point data with interpolation between temperatures, for example.
The frequency at which the internal spring/mass system of an accelerometer resonates, producing a 90º phase shift in output signal versus applied acceleration.
GPS positioning errors caused by the interaction of the GPS satellite signal and its reflections.
The frequency at which the output lags the input by 90°. It generally applies only to inertial sensors with approximate second-order response.
A standard definition of navigation is determining position, course, and distance traveled to move from one location to another.
Navigation is also known as the skill and discipline of ascertaining the precise location of a vessel, aircraft, or any other vehicle and directing it toward a designated destination. The practice of navigation necessitates an individual’s understanding of the vehicle’s position in relation to other established points of reference. Navigators employ degrees to measure distances across the Earth’s surface.
The noise density of a sensor may be described as the magnitude of the effects of sensor noise. The “denser” the sensor noise, the greater the impact or “power” of the noise over a given bandwidth and the greater the variance in sensor output.
The component of the acceleration of a body that is caused by externally applied forces (excluding gravity) divided by the mass.
A type of memory device that retains data in the absence of a power supply.
The systematic deviation from the straight line that defines the nominal input-output relationship.
By NMEA standard, indicates that data is not available for the field. Indicated by two ASCII commas, i.e., “,,” (HEX 2C2C), or, for the last data field in a sentence, one comma followed by either the checksum delimiter “*” (HEX 2A) or the sentence delimiters (HEX 0D0A). [Note: the ASCII Null character (HEX 00) is not to be used for null fields.]
Is the number of zero down crossing waves in the heave displacement.
The highest resolvable frequency in a digital wave record. Frequencies above the Nyquist frequency appear as lower frequencies.
Term used to describe periods of time when a GPS receiver’s line-of-sight to GPS satellites is blocked by natural or man-made objects.
Any measurement. The two observations used in NovAtel’s RTK algorithms are the pseudorange measurement and the carrier phase measurement.
A set of GPSCard measurements taken at a given time which includes one time for all measurements, and the following for each satellite tracked: PRN number, pseudorange or carrier phase or both, lock time count, signal strength, and tracking status. Either L1 only or L1 and L2 measurements are included in the set. The observation set is assumed to contain information indicating how many satellites it contains and which ones have L1-only and which ones have L1/L2 pairs.
A mode in which the vibration amplitude of the pickoff is proportional to the rotation rate about the input axis(es).
The accumulated time of operation throughout which a Gyroscope or accelerometer exhibits specified performance when maintained and calibrated in accordance with a specified schedule.
The temperature at one or more Gyroscope or accelerometer elements when the device is in the specified operating environment.
The starting point of the present navigation leg, expressed in latitude and longitude.
The electrical signal measured at the output terminals that is produced by an applied input to a transducer.
The resistance as measured on the output terminals of a transducer at standard temperature, with no measured applied and with the excitation terminals open-circuited.
Self-generated electrical noise is defined by its power-spectral-density (PSD) and given in volts-squared per Hz over a given range of frequency. This defines the distribution of noise power in the output of the instrument, on a per-Hz basis. For example, if one computes the area under the output response curve within any 1 Hz window, then take the square root of this area, one obtains a value of voltage. Dividing this voltage by the Scale factor converts it to an equivalent rate reading. This is the output noise of the instrument, measured in °/sec/Hz.
The product of input range and scale factor.
The algebraic difference between the upper and lower values of the output range.
The maximum pressure or load that may be applied to the transducer without causing a permanent change in the performance specifications.
Precise code or protected code. A pseudorandom string of bits that is used by GPS receivers to determine the range to the transmitting GPS satellite. P-code is replaced by an encrypted Y-code when Anti-Spoofing is active. Y-code is intended to be available only to authorized (primarily military) users. [See Anti-Spoofing, C/A Code and Y-Code.]
A receiver that monitors four or more satellites simultaneously with independent channels.
The even or odd quality of the number of ones or zeroes in a binary code. Parity is often used to determine the integrity of data especially after transmission.
The point in a body’s orbit at which it is nearest the earth.
Is the time period for reset all statistics data of wave parameters such as Maximum wave height, wave period at Maximum wave height, Mean wave period and Number of zero crossings.
The phase angle between the output signal and the applied acceleration.
Propogation velocity of an individual wave. In deep water it is proportional to the wave length, otherwise it depends on water depth.
A device that produces an output signal as a function of the relative linear or angular displacement between two elements.
Refers to the direction of motion that is about the transverse axis.
The force per unit mass acting on a mass at rest at a point on the earth, not including any reaction force of the suspension. The plumb bob gravity includes the gravitational attraction of the earth, the effect of the centripetal acceleration due to the earth rotation, and tidal effects. The direction of the plumb bob gravity acceleration defines the local vertical down direction, and its magnitude defines a reference value of acceleration (g).
Computer network protocol used to transfer a datagram between two directly connected (point-to-point) computers.
A characterization of the noise and other processes in a time series of data as a function of frequency. It is the mean squared amplitude per unit frequency of the time series. It is usually expressed in (º/h)2/Hz for gyroscope rate data or in (m/s2)2/Hz or g2/Hz for accelerometer acceleration data.
The GPS positioning, velocity, and time service which is available on a continuous, worldwide basis to users authorized by the U.S. Department of Defence (typically using P-Code).
The axis along which the transducer is designed to be loaded; normally its geometric centerline.
An axis along which an applied force results in a displacement along that axis only.
Is calculated based on the second order Fourier coefficients. The principal wave direction has an ambiguity direction of 180 degrees, but is forced to be in the same interval as the mean wave direction:
\theta_2(f) = 0.5 \cdot atan(\frac{b_2(f_i)}{a_2(f_i)})
A number assigned by the GPS system designers to a given set of pseudorandom codes. Typically, a particular satellite will keep its PRN (and hence its code assignment) indefinitely, or at least for a long period of time. It is commonly used as a way to label a particular satellite.
The effective mass whose inertia transforms an acceleration along, or about, an input axis into a force or torque. The effective mass takes into consideration rotation and contributing parts of the suspension.
An Earth-based transmitter designed to mimic a satellite. May be used to transmit differential corrections.
The calculated range from the GPS receiver to the satellite determined by taking the difference between the measured satellite transmit time and the receiver time of measurement, and multiplying by the speed of light. Contains several sources of error.
Measurements made using one of the pseudorandom codes on the GPS signals. They provide an unambiguous measure of the range to the satellite including the effect of the satellite and user clock biases.
Load cell attachment allows tension or compression force to be directed at the center line of a load cell through a threaded-center hole.
The analog-to-digital conversion of a Gyroscope or accelerometer output signal that gives an output that changes in discrete steps, as the input varies continuously.
The random variation in the digitized output signal due to sampling and quantizing a continuous signal with a finite word length conversion. The resulting incremental error sequence is a uniformly distributed random variable over the interval 1/2 least significant bit (LSB).
An organization which developed and defined a message format for differential positioning.
An organization which developed and defined the SC-104 message format for differential positioning.
The random time-varying component of drift rate.
A zero-mean Gaussian stochastic process with stationary independent increments and with standard deviation that grows as the square root of time.
The maximum measurand that a transducer is designed to measure within its specification.
An output method where the representation of the measured output quantity (e.g., voltage, current, pulse rate, pulse width) varies in proportion to a reference quantity.
A type of differential positioning based on observations of carrier phase. In this document it is also used with reference to RT-2™ and RT-20™.
A GPS receiver specification which indicates the number of independent hardware signal processing channels included in the receiver design.
A steady-state error in the output while vibratory disturbances are acting on an accelerometer.
In a double difference implementation, measurements are differenced between different satellites on one receiver in order to cancel the correlated errors. Usually one satellite is chosen as the “reference, and all others are differenced with it.
The GPS receiver which is acting as the stationary reference. It has a known position and transmits messages for the rover receiver to use to calculate its position.
Bearing relative to heading or to the vessel.
The GPS receiver which does not know its position and needs to receive measurements from a reference station to calculate differential GPS positions. (The terms remote and rover are interchangeable.)
The ability of a transducer to reproduce output readings when the same measured value is applied to it consecutively, under the same conditions, and in the same direction. Repeatability is expressed as the maximum difference between output readings as a percent of full scale.
The closeness of agreement among repeated measurements of the same variable under the same operating conditions when changes in conditions or non-operating periods occur between measurements.
In the context of measurement, the residual is the misclosure between the calculated measurements, using the position solution and actual measurements.
For navigation systems, the resolution is basically measurement precision. That is, how fine the measurement increments are from the sensor without any signal instability. The higher the resolution (the smaller the measurement increments), the higher the sensitivity, and the better the accuracy.
The largest value of the minimum change in input, for inputs greater than the noise level, that produces a change in output equal to some specified percentage (at least 50%) of the change in output expected using the nominal scale factor.
Stands for ring laser gyroscope. An RLG is an optical gyroscope that uses narrowband light waveforms traveling a path, created using mirrors, to measure rotation based on the Sagnac effect.
Refers to the direction of motion that is about the longitudinal axis.
A probability level of 68%.
A planned course of travel, usually composed of more than one navigation leg.
Stands for robot operating system. ROS provides software development libraries and tools for robotic applications.
A term applicable to a GNSS receiver typically mounted to a vehicle, that requires signals from navigational satellites to determine its position.
NovAtel’s Double Differencing Technology for real-time kinematic (RTK) carrier phase floating ambiguity resolution.
Stands for Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. RCTM is an organization that developed and defined a message format for differential positioning.
Represents the change in effective distance that light travels in a closed circuit when the circuit undergoes rotation or a change in orientation.
The Sagnac effect is used in optical gyroscopes by sending two beams of light in opposite directions in a fiber optic coil or mirror-directed path. As the device rotates, the beam traveling against the direction of rotation experiences a slightly shorter path delay than the other beam. The difference in phase shift (see interferometry) between the two beams is then used to estimate the rotation rate.
The number of measurement samples output by a motion sensor per second. Sample rate differs from bandwidth as it can be any specified rate, while bandwidth depends on the sensor response frequency.
A type of geo-stationary satellite system that improves the accuracy, integrity, and availability of the basic GPS signals. This includes WAAS, EGNOS, and MSAS.
A device that uses GNSS, often with two distance-separated GNSS receivers, to calculate heading instead of using magnetic or gyroscopic heading.
Industry competitor with innovative technology and professional services serving the federal government and private sectors.
The ratio that describes the error between a change in the output of a navigational sensor in response to a change in the input is measured.
For example, an acceleration sensor with a scale factor of 0.1 % that detects an actual acceleration of 2 g (19.61 m/s2) may output a value of 19.63 m/s2. The smaller the scale factor, the less error between the actual input and the resultant bias-corrected output from the sensor.
The ratio of a change in output to a change in the input intended to be measured. Scale factor is generally evaluated as the slope of the straight line that can be fitted by the method of least squares to input-output data. Slope=Scale Factor
Describe any variation of scale factor due to temperature and how consistently repeatable the variation is. For example, a sensor with poor scale factor stability will likely lose accuracy faster with temperature changes.
The bounds within which the Scale Factor will lie as the temperature varies across the operating temperature range, usually referenced to a room temperature calibration value (+22°C typical). Also can be defined as a temperature coefficient, usually the best fit straight line of Scale Factor change over the operating temperature range.
The proportionality constant that relates a variation of the output to the square of the input, applied parallel to the input reference axis.
The waypoint currently selected to be the point toward which the vessel is travelling. Also called “to waypoint, destination or destination waypoint.
The method used by the United States Department of Defence to control access to the full accuracy achievable by civilian GPS equipment (generally by introducing timing and ephemeris errors).
The part of the transducer that reacts directly in response to the measurand.
The ratio of change in transducer output to a change in the value of the measurand.
The ratio of a change in output to a change in an undesirable or secondary input. For example: a scale factor temperature sensitivity of a Gyroscope or accelerometer is the ratio of change in scale factor to a change in temperature.
It is a device that reacts to a physical stimulus, such as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a specific motion. It then generates and transmits a corresponding signal or impulse. This signal can be utilized for purposes like measurement or controlling other devices.
A GPS receiver in which the number of satellite signals to be tracked exceeds the number of available hardware channels. Sequential receivers periodically reassign hardware channels to particular satellite signals in a predetermined sequence.
Changes in wave height as waves move into shallow water. Except for a limited depth region, shoaling increases wave heights. Shoaling occurs even if wave heights and directions do not change as a result of wave refraction.
The limit of shock which the device will withstand without damage. Typically, the GyroscopeChip® can withstand shocks without damage with a peak value of 200 g’s lasting 2 ms.
The change in electrical output caused by placing a fixed resistor between the appropriate transducer terminals. Used “in the field” for quick calibration.
ƒpeak – is the frequency corresponding to the peak in the Wave energy spectrum.
Calculated as four times the standard deviation of the surface vertical displacement.
The angle of USBL communications between a tracked asset and a surface vessel. Typically, the flatter or more acute this angle, the more difficult the accurate positioning of the tracked object can become.
Stands for sonic navigation and ranging. Sonar uses acoustic (sound) waves to detect and measure the distance to objects or surfaces through soundwave reflection (echoing) and detection.
Sonar uses a high-accuracy timing device to measure how long it takes from the time the emitted sound travels to and from the object or surface. The range can be accurately calculated using this duration and the speed of the sound.
Sometimes used as SVID. A unique number assigned to each satellite for identification purposes. The ‘space vehicle’ is a GPS satellite.
The algebraic difference between the limits of the range from zero to full scale.
The group of error limits within which each device will operate.
The radius of a sphere, centred at the user’s true location, that contains 50 percent of the individual three-dimensional position measurements made using a particular navigation system.
Sometimes known as ellipsoid; a perfect mathematical figure which very closely approximates the geoid. Used as a surface of reference for geodetic surveys.
A measure of the ability of a specific mechanism or performance coefficient to remain invariant when continuously exposed to a fixed operating condition.
A positioning service made available by the United States Department of Defence which is available to all GPS civilian users on a continuous, worldwide basis (typically using C/A Code).
The time required for the instrument to produce a usable rate output after power application.
Lacking in movement, action, or change, still.
A nonlinear wave theory in which higher order terms proportional to wave slope are not neglected as in linear wave theory.
The non-operating time interval under specified conditions, after which a device will still exhibit a specified operating life and performance.
A measuring element for converting force, pressure, tension, etc., into an electrical signal.
Direct-mounting of inertial sensors (without gimbals) to a vehicle to sense the linear and angular motion of the vehicle.
Are the wave parameters corresponding to a Wave Period more than 8 seconds.
The qualifying metric for IMU grading is the In Run Bias Stability (IRBS) in their gyroscopes, which represents its stability during benign conditions, which include the following: ideal integration (averaging) time, stable temperature, no inertial motion. IEEE-STD-952-1997 (Appendix B) provides an industry-standard definition of IRBS, which defines it as the minima on the Allan Variance curve.
The utilization of supplementary devices, materials or components within the bridge to minimize sources of error caused by changing temperature.
The change in rated output due to a change in ambient temperature. This is usually expressed as ± a percentage change in rated output per degree F change in ambient temperature, over the compensated temperature range.
The change in zero balance due to a change in ambient temperature. This is usually expressed as ± a percentage change in rated output per degree F change in ambient temperature over the compensated temperature range.
The range of temperature over which a transducer can operate up to full scale and still meet all specifications.
The range of temperature over which a transducer may be safely operated up to full scale without causing failure, but specifications may not be met.
The number of hours-per-day when four or more satellites are available with acceptable positioning geometry. Four visible satellites are required to determine location and altitude.
The largest absolute value of the minimum input that produces an output equal to at least 50% of the output expected using the nominal scale factor.
The actual time required by a GPS receiver to achieve a position solution. This specification will vary with the operating state of the receiver, the length of time since the last position fix, the location of the last fix, and the specific receiver design.
Stands for the time of flight. ToF refers to the time required to emit a wave and receive a reflected return. ToF is used to calculate the distance or range of an object, for example, in sonar, radar, and lidar systems.
A planned or intended horizontal path of travel with respect to the Earth rather than the air or water. The track is expressed in degrees from 000° clockwise through 360° (true, magnetic, or grid).
The single resultant direction from a point of departure to a point of arrival or subsequent position at any given time; may be considered synonymous with Course Made Good.
A device (or medium) that converts energy from one form to another. The term is generally applied to devices that take physical phenomenon (pressure, temperature, humidity, flow, etc.) and convert it to an electrical signal.
Signal output as a result of acceleration perpendicular to the sensitive axis. Specified as a percentage of sensitive axis output for equivalent right angle acceleration or as a decimal fraction.
Bearing relative to true north; compass bearing corrected for compass error.
Heading relative to true north.
The time from the initial application of power until a sensor produces a specified useful output, though not necessarily at the accuracy of full specification performance.
Navigation mode in which a fixed value of altitude is used for one or more position calculations while horizontal (2D) position can vary freely based on satellite range measurements.
The number of hours-per-day with three or more satellites visible. Three visible satellites can be used to determine location if the GPS receiver is designed to accept an external altitude input.
The Federal Communications Commission is an independent agency of the United States government created by statute to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.
UAS stands for unmanned/uncrewed aircraft system. A UAS typically includes one or more UAVs, a ground-based controller, and a communications system between them.
Stands for unmanned/uncrewed aerial vehicles. A UAV (often called “drone”) is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. UAVs may fly either under remote control by a human operator or, if so designed and equipped, autonomously via onboard sensors, navigation systems, and computers. UAVs are a component of an unmanned aircraft system (see UAS).
The distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid (spheroid). Also known as geoidal separation, geoidal undulation, geoidal height.
The distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid (spheroid). Also known as geoidal separation, geoidal undulation, geoidal height.
Is one of ten unified combatant commands in the United States Department of Defense. Headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, USSTRATCOM is responsible for strategic deterrence, global strike, and operating the Defense Department’s Global Information Grid.
The GPS receiver specification which indicates the solution rate provided by the receiver when operating normally.
By NMEA standards, a data field which may or may not contain a decimal point and which may vary in precision following the decimal point depending on the requirements and the accuracy of the measuring device.
Vertical Dilution of Precision [See Dilution of Precision (DOP)]
For accelerometer manufacturers this refers to the amount of error that is due to thermal mechanical noise surrounding the accelerometer that affects it’s performance over time.
The specified limit of random vibration in g-RMS, usually across the flat 20 Hz – 2,000 Hz input spectrum range, which the device will withstand while operating within its performance specifications.
The specified limit of random vibration in g-RMS, usually within the flat 20 Hz – 2,000 Hz range, which the device will survive for a limited period of time without damage.
The maximum change in output of a transducer when a specific amplitude and range of frequencies are applied to a specific axis at room temperature.
Common correction method used for the message type RTCM 3.2
It stands for vessel or vehicle of opportunity and refers to the ability of a system or device to be transferred from vehicle to vehicle.
The time from the initial application of power for a sensor to reach specified performance under specified operating conditions.
Is integral of wave spectrum over the full frequency range. Energy is equal to area under the wave spectrum.
Is the power spectral density of the vertical motion C_{vv} the function of frequency.
a_1= \frac{Q_{nv}}{\sqrt {(C_{nn} + C_{ww})C_{vv}}}
a_2 = \frac{C_{nn}-C_{ww}}{C_{nn}+C_{ww}}
b_1= \frac{-Q_{wv}}{\sqrt {(C_{nn} + C_{ww})C_{vv}}}
b_2 = \frac{-C_{nw}}{C_{nn}+C_{ww}}
Is measured as the difference between maximum and minimum of vertical displacement per wave time period.
Is the energy weighted mean direction over all frequency bins:
\theta_0 = atan(\sum_{i}E(f_i) \cdot \frac{b_i(f_i)}{a_i(f_i)})
Is the mean value of the Wave Peak Period during device runtime.
Is the angle between the direction of water movement and the direction to the North calculated for the significant frequency:
D = atan(\frac{b_1}{a_1}) = atan(-\frac{Q_{wv}}{Q_{nv}})
Is the time period of the wave calculated as inverse value of the significant frequency:
T = \frac{1}{f_{peak}}
Using the time-series of north, west and vertical (N, W, V) displacements, the three associated Fourier series may be calculated. Each Fourier series consists of a number of Fourier coefficients per frequency f, which in turn consist of a real and imaginary part:
A_{Nf} = \alpha_{Nf} + i \beta_{Nf}
A_{Wf} = \alpha_{Wf} + i \beta_{Wf}
A_{Vf} = \alpha_{Vf} + i \beta_{Vf}
Building on this, the co-spectrum C_{ij_f} and the quad-spectrum Q_{ij_f} may be formed (where i and j correspond to N, W or V):
C_{ij_f} = \overline{A_{if}} \cdot \overline{A_{jf}} = \alpha_{if} \alpha_{jf} + \beta_{if} \beta_{jf}
Q_{ij_f} = \overline{A_{if}} \times \overline{A_{jf}} = \alpha_{if} \beta_{jf} – \beta_{if} \alpha_{jf}
A reference point on a track.
A differential pressure transducer or transmitter that uses a metal diaphragm at the wet port where fluids can be applied, and no diaphragm at the dry port. The dry port exposes the internal circuitry to the medium, so only clean dry gas can be applied to this port.
A differential pressure transducer or transmitter that has a metal diaphragm in each pressure port to permit fluid into both ports.
The diaphragm and pressure port material that comes in direct contact with the medium (gas, liquid).
A particular integer ambiguity value on one carrier phase range measurement or double difference carrier phase observation when the difference of the L1 and L2 measurements is used. It is a carrier phase observable formed by subtracting L2 from L1 carrier phase data. The corresponding wavelength is 86.2 cm.
Are the wave parameters corresponding to a Wave Period equal or less than 8 seconds.
WMM stands for World Magnetic Model. It is a three-dimensional measurement of the Earth’s magnetic field strength at locations around the world, with a 50 km resolution.
WMM information is used by an inertial navigation system, which compares the WMM value at that location with the measured value to determine rotation relative to the magnetic North Pole.
An ellipsoid designed to fit the shape of the entire Earth as well as possible with a single ellipsoid. It is often used as a reference on a worldwide basis, while other ellipsoids are used locally to provide a better fit to the Earth in a local region. GPS uses the centre of the WGS-84 ellipsoid as the centre of the GPS ECEF reference frame.
The X-wing starfighter is a name applied to a family of fictional spacecraft manufactured by the Incom Corporation.
An encrypted form of P-Code. Satellites transmit Y-Code in replace of P-Code when Anti-Spoofing is in effect. [See P-Code and Anti-Spoofing]
Refers to the direction of motion that is about the vertical axis.
Used when “setting up” a transducer to adjust the output signal to zero when zero load/pressure is applied.
The output signal of the transducer with rated excitation and with no load applied, usually expressed as a percent of rated output.
The Gyroscope output when the input rate is zero, generally expressed as an equivalent input rate. It excludes outputs due to hysteresis and acceleration.
The difference in zero balance measured immediately before rated load application of specified duration and measured after removal of the load, and when the output has stabilized.